About His Holiness Param Sant Baba Umakant Ji Maharaj...      (Click here for Hindi)

This page contains information about His Holiness Param Sant Baba Umakant Ji Maharaj, the spiritual successor to His Holiness Baba Jaigurudev Ji Maharaj.
His Holiness Param Sant Baba Umakant Ji Maharaj was born in a small village in Uttar Pradesh (India) and was raised in a religious family. Due to his spiritual inclination from a young age, he was drawn to Baba Jaigurudev Ji Maharaj immediately after completing his studies in 1973, received Namdan (initiation) and began engaging in Sewa and Bhajan as per his Guru’s instructions. Initially, he stayed with his Guru and occasionally visited his village to serve his parents. From 1976 onwards, Baba Umakant Ji Maharaj remained consistently with his Guru, Baba Jaigurudev Ji Maharaj, like a shadow.

Baba Jaigurudev Ji Maharaj showered such blessings that He entrusted Baba Umakant Ji Maharaj with the privilege to do every form of personal Sewa. Additionally, Baba Jaigurudev Ji Maharaj sent Baba Umakant Ji Maharaj throughout the country to conduct satsangs, accompanied by letters that read, 'I am sending Umakant Tiwari; consider that I am coming myself.'

It has been a tradition in Santmat that before leaving their physical body, the present-day Sant Satguru appoints a spiritual heir to carry out their spiritual work. Hence, about five years before leaving his physical body, on May 16, 2007, during a satsang held at Bashiratganj, District Unnao (Uttar Pradesh), Baba Jaigurudev Ji Maharaj announced that after his departure, his chief disciple, Baba Umakant Ji Maharaj, who had been in his service for forty years, would not only take care of his old disciples but also give Namdan to the new ones.

Under the difficult circumstances that arose after Baba Jaigurudev Ji Maharaj left his body at Mathura Ashram, Baba Umakant Ji Maharaj left the ashram empty handed and travelled to Ujjain (Madhya Pradesh), leaving everything behind. With the support of his devotees, Maharaj Ji established an ashram at Ujjain and founded 'Baba Jaigurudev Dharm Vikas Sanstha'. To carry forward the Guru's mission and to share the grief of the Guru's departure from this world, Baba Umakant Ji Maharaj conducted satsangs in various places across the country. He explained to the disciples that although Guru Maharaj has left his physical body, he remains with them eternally in the Shabd-form. Maharaj Ji further explained that if you start practicing Sumiran, Dhyan, Bhajan regularly and with a focused mind, then you will have Guru Maharaj’s darshan (vision) internally, just as you used to have externally. When the disciples began to follow the above instructions, they started receiving both material and spiritual benefits and countless people got associated with Baba Umakant Ji Maharaj. At the same time, lakhs of people began longing to receive Namdan because at a given time, only one living Sant is authorised to give Namdan. After travelling across the country, Baba Umakant Ji Maharaj arrived at Jaipur and on July 21, 2013, Maharaj Ji announced that Namdan would be given here the next morning. Upon hearing the news, all the disciples present there loudly exclaimed ‘Jaigurudev’ in delight. Maharaj Ji further stated that, should Guru maharaj’s grace be upon us, the Sangat will grow significantly. You haven't seen anything yet. The virtuous souls were blessed and Baba Umakant Ji Maharaj, following his Guru’s order, gave the first Namdan in the presence of a large gathering in Jaipur, Rajasthan on the occasion of Guru Purnima, July 22, 2013.

Walking in his Guru's footsteps, Baba Umakant Ji Maharaj is travelling across the country and abroad, preaching people to live as vegetarians, abstain intoxicants, be hardworking, maintain good character, and be patriotic. Additionally, Maharaj Ji is showing the path of experiencing the vision of the Lord within this human body (which is considered the living temple, mosque, gurudwara and church), while living the life of a householder. Maharaj Ji is fully committed to his Guru’s mission i.e. to bring Satyug on this earth, put an end to cow slaughter and killing of humans, animals and birds, promote vegetarianism, moral conduct, and a life free from intoxicants, and ultimately help in the spiritual upliftment of the people. Param Sant Baba Umakant Ji Maharaj has given Namdan to crores of people so far, and by practicing this meditation, people are experiencing both material and spiritual benefits.

Some words of wisdom by His Holiness Baba Umakant Ji Maharaj

⮞ The darshan, satsang and blessings of a true Sant can accomplish tasks that might otherwise seem impossible.
⮞ The key to ultimate liberation and breaking free from the painful cycle of birth and death lies with the living master.
⮞ The wise and intelligent individuals should continue to awaken India’s spiritualism.
⮞ No country can ever prosper from money earned by taking the life of living beings.
⮞ The time has come for all of you to become vegetarian, free from intoxicants, of good character, patriotic and righteous, to withstand natural calamities; otherwise, your very existence will be wiped out.
⮞ Do not speak ill of any caste, religion or religious scripture. Foster a spirit of love in every heart.
⮞ Pay attention! The rise of intoxication and decline in character among boys and girls will be dangerous for a spiritual country like India.
⮞ Take care of boys and girls. If they fall into addiction or loss of character, it will lead to destruction.
⮞ 'Jaigurudev' is the holy name of the Lord. When trouble comes, and other humans, deities or angels may not be of help, the name ‘Jaigurudev' will be beneficial for vegetarians, people of good character, and those free from intoxicants. You can try and see for yourself.
⮞ The name 'Jaigurudev' provides relief in illness and troubles. Chant 'Jaigurudev Jaigurudev Jaigurudev Jai Jaigurudev' every morning and evening, and encourage your family to do the same. Then, see the benefits for yourself.
⮞ One should give donations, advice, cows, vote and marry off one’s daughter only after careful consideration and to the deserving recipients.
⮞ The intellect and wisdom of a person who is vegetarian, free from intoxicants and of good character, is beneficial for everyone.
⮞ A time will come when people will be compelled to adopt vegetarianism.
⮞ There will come a time when all ministers, MLAs, MPs, and officials in the country will be vegetarian, free from intoxication, devoted to service, and patriotic.
⮞ A person who indulges in strong intoxication can never enjoy material or spiritual pleasures.
⮞ Honor and respect your parents, elders, officers and workers.